Sunday, January 17, 2010

Raison d'etre

There must be a reason to start a blog - you believe that you have something to say, or someone else believes that you have something to say. In this case, I suspect that it is some of both. My two biggest fans, my wife and my son, have encouraged me to write about my experience as a seminary student. Perhaps I will have to get them to guest-post as the family of a seminarian.

While this may not be the most interesting topic, it will be important for me to look back and remember lessons learned. It may also prove important for my son to someday understand why our world changed when dad realized he was called to ordained ministry.

Contrary to how I usually approach tasks with every detail explored before starting, this will be a work in progress. For starters, I have not decided if I am going to name the seminary that I am attending. This is not to protect the innocent, rather, I hope that some of my reflections will be universal so that my denomination and seminary need not be the focus. I do realize that after a series of posts the seminary and other details may become apparent, or I may simply decide to name them. Also, because it is now January and I have completed my first semester of seminary there is a bit of a backlog on thoughts and reflections. There will probably be some posts that are out of date sequence. If Hollywood can alter the time line continum then so can I.

So just as the light reflections of stained glass change with the movement of the sun across the sky, so too might this blog change.

Peace be with you.

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