Tuesday, October 30, 2012

In the eye of the storm

For most people on the mid-Atlantic and Northeast coasts Monday morning brought hurricane Sandy, the super storm, the Frankenstorm.  For me, Monday morning also brings Centering Prayer and Morning Prayer.

This week was no exception.  Schools and businesses were closed, but worship continued.  Prudence over driving in the weather meant that many of the regular worshipers chose to stay home, and that is perfectly ok; but worship continued.

As the storm raged outside, the walls of the chapel that have stood for 235 years sheltered those who were inside.  Warm, dry, and with only the sounds of the wind and the rain surrounding us there was a gentle peace.  

It was not unlike the eye of a hurricane.  In the eye of a hurricane the sky is crystal blue, the winds are calm and there is a reminder of the dove returning to Noah saying that all is right with the world.

Being at prayer in the chapel with the storm raging outside was a reminder that all is right with God and God’s world; there may be storms around us, but all is right with God.  The chapel provided a place for the inner peace to unfold.  And deep inside each of us as we worshiped, we found an inner peace.

We did this while the storm raged.  So I have to wonder, why do we not always find that inner peace when the storm is not upon us?  How do we learn to live each day in the eye of a hurricane with a dove returning to us with a message from God?